I am a software developer and data analyst with >10 years' technical management experience. I work as a Senior Bioinformatics Engineer in the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at the University of California, San Diego. My resume
is available here.
2014 |
"Targeting and Off-targeting of Long Non-coding RNAs by siRNAs". RNAi Global
Initiative, 16th Meeting.
2014 |
"Riding the Data Wave: Analysis of High-Throughput RNAi Screens". RNAi Global
Initiative, 16th Meeting.
2014 |
"Targeting and Off-targeting of Long Non-coding RNAs by siRNAs". Long Noncoding RNAs: Marching Toward
Mechanism (Keystone Symposium).
2013 |
"Methods for Analysis of High-Throughput RNAi Screens". RNA, MicroRNAs & Single
Cell Biology, 10th Meeting.
2013 |
"Riding the Data Wave: Analysis of High-Throughput RNAi Screens". RNAi Global
Initiative, 15th Meeting.
2012 |
"High-Throughput Screening Data Analysis Workflow". RNAi Global Initiative,
14th Meeting.
2011 |
"Seed Enrichment in High-Throughput Screening Hits Demonstrates That miRNA-like Off-
Targets Are Assay-Specific". RNA Society, 15th Annual Meeting.
2011 |
"Better Than the Real Thing: In Silico Screens for Statistical Selection". RNAi Global Initiative, 12th Meeting.
2011 |
Invited Talk: "Better Than the Real Thing: In Silico Screens for Statistical Selection". The IAENG International Conference on Bioinformatics 2011, part of The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2011, 6th Annual Meeting.
2010 |
"The Hit List Mystery: Why We Need Public Data Deposition". RNAi Global Initiative,
11th Meeting.
2010 |
Invited Talk: "Computational Assessment of Screening Statistics for RNAi". Biomolecular
Screening: Advanced Applications Across Academia, Government, and Industry (SBS
2010 |
"Computational Assessment of Screening Statistics". Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology
(ISMB) 2010, 18th Annual Meeting.
2010 |
"Pathway Analysis Guidelines Project". RNAi Global Initiative, 10th Meeting.
2009 |
"Searching Seed-Space: Automated Seed Cluster Identification in Screen Results". RNAi Global
Initiative, 9th Meeting.
2009 |
"Tomorrow, the World!: Toward World-wide Data Sharing Through NCBI". RNAi Global Initiative, 8th Meeting.
2008 |
"Rise of the Machines: Machine Learning for High Content Data Analysis". RNAi Global Initiative, 7th Meeting.
2008 |
"Standardizing RNAi". RNA Ontology Consortium, 4th Annual Meeting.
2008 |
"Preparing for Pathway Analysis: A Case Study". RNAi Global Initiative, 5th Meeting.
2007 |
"Computational Challenges in RNAi Gene Silencing". World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP) 2007.
2007 |
"NoiseMaker: Computational Assessment of Screening Statistics". RNAi Global Initiative,
4th Meeting.
2006 |
"New Sequence Offering: Making the Most of the Collection". RNAi Global Initiative,
3rd Meeting.
2006 |
"Analysis of a 10-Lab RNAi Pilot Screen: the Case for Standardization". RNAi Global Initiative, 2nd Meeting.
2004 |
"Maximum Sequence Alignment Fails To Predict Off-targeted Gene Regulation By RNAi".
Rocky Mountain Regional Bioinformatics Conference, 2nd Annual Meeting.
2014 |
Haupt, A., Anderson, A., Strezoska, Ž., Machado, H., McClelland, S., Mayer, M., Rocker, A.,
Vermeulen, A., Birmingham, A., Kelley, M., & Smith, A. "Cas9 driven by an optimal promoter
improves gene editing in eukaryotic cell lines when paired with synthetic crRNA and tracrRNA".
Discovery On-Target, 12th Annual Meeting.
2014 |
Mayer, M., McClelland, S., Anderson, S., van Brabant Smith, A., Vermeulen, A., & Birmingham, A.
"Targeting and Off-targeting of Long Non-coding RNAs by siRNAs". RNA Silencing (Keystone Symposium).
2014 |
Licon, A., Strezoska, Z., Stombaugh, J., Banos, M., Stahl, J., Anderson, S.B., Leake, D., van
Brabant Smith, A., Birmingham, A., & Vermeulen, A. "Power Decoder-A Simulator for the
Evaluation of Pooled shRNA Screen Performance". RNA Silencing (Keystone Symposium).
2012 |
Rocca-Serra, P., Bellaousov, S., Birmingham, A., Chen, C., Cordero, P., Das, R., Davis-
Neulander, L., Duncan, C., Halvorsen, M., Knight, R., Leontis, N., Mathews, D., Ritz, J.,
Stombaugh, J., Weeks, K., Zirbel, C., & Laederach, A. "Sharing and Archiving Nucleic Acid
Structure Mapping Data". RNA Society, 17th Annual Meeting.
2010 |
Birmingham, A., Strezoska, Z., Maksimova, E., Quinn, J., Kwan, P., Smith, A.,
Vermeulen, A., Howell, M., & Leake, D. "Seed Enrichment in Screening Hits Demonstrates
the miRNA-like Off-Targets are Assay-Specific". Mechanism and Biology of Silencing
(Keystone Symposium).
2010 |
Laederach, A., Bellaousov, S., Birmingham, A., Davis-Neulander, L., Leontis, N., Mathews, D., Rocca-Serra, P., Stombaugh, J., Weeks, K., Zirbel, C., & Knight, R. "Standardization and Classification of Single Nucleotide Resolution Nucleic Acid Structure Mapping (SNRNASM) Experiments". RNA Society, 15th Annual Meeting.
2010 |
van Brabant Smith, A., Maksimova, E., Brenton, M., Deiparine, M., Edwards, R., Kwan, P.,
Birmingham, A., & Leake, D. "Strategies for Improving RNAi Screening Success: Using a
Ubiquitin-EGFP Assay to Identify Druggable Genes Required for Proteasome Function".
Society for Biomolecular Screening, 16th Annual Meeting.
2009 |
van Brabant Smith, A., Deiparine, M., Maksimova, E., Brenton, M., Birmingham, A., Kwan, P.,
& Leake, D. "Genome-Wide RNAi Screening as a Strategy for Target Identification and Validation". Society for Biomolecular Screening, 15th Annual Meeting.
2008 |
Anderson, E.M.*, Birmingham, A.*, Mayer, M., Maksimova, E., Reynolds, A., Khvorova, A., & Leake, D. "Context-Based miRNA Targeting Models Applied to siRNA Off-Targeting". RNA Society, 13th Annual Meeting. [*Co-first-authors]
2008 |
Anderson, E.M.*, Birmingham, A.*, Mayer, M., Maksimova, E., Reynolds, A., Khvorova, A., & Leake, D. "Context-Based miRNA Targeting Models Applied to siRNA Off-Targeting". RNAi, MicroRNA, and Non-Coding RNA (Keystone Symposium). [*Co-first-authors]
2007 |
Sullivan, K., Hamady, M., Knight, R., Marshall, W. S., Khvorova, A., & Birmingham, A. "Fast- FIND Sequence Similarity Search: An Improved Approach for siRNA Design". MicroRNAs and siRNAs: Biological Functions and Mechanisms (Keystone Symposium).
2007 |
Wiemann, S., Argo, S., Mehrle, A., Hahne, F., Hermjakob, H., Apweiler, R., Arlt, S.,
Bielke, W., Birmingham, A., Boese, Q., Bork, P., Buchholz, F., Cai, X., Camon, C.,
Carninci, P., Chanda, S., Chen, Z., Cusick, M., Echeverri, C., Eils, J., Eils, R., Frank, R.,
Fraser, A., Girod, A., Haedrich, B., Hannus, M., Harris, M., Hayashizaki, Y., Hide, W.,
Hofmann, O., Huber, P., Hyman, A., Kallioniemi, O., Khvorova, A., Koski, L., Kraybill, B.,
LaBaer, J., Landegren, U., Lawerenz, C., Lehrach, H., Liu, F., Majety, M., Mathey-Prevot, B., Mills, G., Nomura, N., The OBI working group, Perrimon, N., Pizarro, A., Poustka, A., Quackenbush, J., Rosenfelder, H., Sahin, O., Salehi-Ashtiani, K., Sasse, F., Sauermann, M.,
Schimmer, A., Schmidt, C., Selfors, L., Shamu, C., Sönnichsen, B., Taylor, C., Temple, G.,
Vidal, M., & Wrobel, D. "The MIACA minimum information guideline for cellular assays and
systems biology". HUGO's 12th Human Genome Meeting.
2007 |
Anderson, E.M., Birmingham, A., Baskerville, S., Reynolds, A., Maksimova, E., Leake, D.,
Fedorov, Y., Karpilow, J., Marshall, W. S., & Khvorova, A. "Low Genome-Wide 3' UTR Seed
Complement Frequency is Predictive of siRNA Specificity". MicroRNAs and siRNAs:
Biological Functions and Mechanisms (Keystone Symposium).
2005 |
Reynolds, A., Fedorov, Y., Anderson, E., Vermeulen, A., Birmingham, A., Eklund, T., Robinson, K., Leake, D., Karpilow, J., Marshall, W., & Khvorova, A. "Key Considerations for
Performing RNAi in Neuronal Tissues". Society for Neuroscience, 35th Annual Meeting.
2005 |
Birmingham, A., Anderson, E. M., Marshall, W. S., & Khvorova, A. "Maximum Sequence Alignment Fails to Predict Off-targeted Gene Regulation by RNAi". IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, 4th Annual Meeting.
2003 |
Birmingham, A., Knight, R., & Yarus, M. "BayesFold: Combining Thermodynamic, Sequence, and Chemical Data to Predict Secondary Structures for RNA Alignments". RNA
Society, 8th Annual Meeting.
2001 |
Rebull, L. M., Makidon, R. B., Strom, S. E., Hillenbrand, L. A., Birmingham, A., Patten, B. M., Jones, B. F., Yagi, H., & Adams, M. T. " Circumstellar Disk Candidates Identified in NGC
2264". American Astronomical Society, 199th AAS Meeting.
1998 |
Birmingham, A., Eder, J., and Salter, C. "The Relation between Gas Density and Star Formation in S0 Galaxies". American Astronomical Society, 191st AAS Meeting.